Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cloudfuse on CentOS6

A cloudfuse binary for mounting cloudfiles from cent/rhel 6 x86_64. There seems to be a problem with the system 7.19 library of libcurl. This statically links libcurl-7.18.2 into the binary to avoid system conflicts.

Original project is located at: md5sum on this is: 4bed2eeb1343b0d6a58b1e11377455c4

Here is my version: Cloudfuse Module

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Export Order Email Addresses From Magento w/Ruby

You need to setup a web services user beforehand for this to work. Install the Savon gem, and get your endpoint url and credentials. This uses the SOAP v2 interface on Magento.
requre  'rubygems'
require 'savon'
client = "https://<Your Endpoint>"

res = client.request :login do 
 soap.body = {:username => '<your soap user>', :apiKey => '<your key>'}
session = res[:login_response][:login_return]
res2 = client.request :salesOrderList do
 soap.body = {:session=>session}
b = res2[:sales_order_list_response][:result][:item]
b.each do |ord|
 puts ord[:order_id] + ":" + ord[:customer_email]